Why Is It Important to Have an On-Site Pharmacy at Senior Care Homes?

People move to senior care homes because they are typically no longer able to care for themselves. They need help with day-to-day tasks such as getting their medication and visiting the local pharmacy. There are a lot of benefits of living in a senior care home. You have constant assess to care and help, you have good amenities, and you have increased social interaction. As part of the amenities offered by senior care homes, many offer an on-site pharmacy for residents to access. This is an important feature to have on-site. In A Primer on the Value of Pharmacy Services in Long Term Care Settings in Canada, by the Conference Board of Canada, they summarize the important roles pharmacies play in Long-Term Care facilities in Canada: “With the aging of the population and growing demand for LTC, pharmacies and pharmacists will increasingly be called upon to provide medication-related services for LTC residents. Meeting these needs will be challenging and will require attention to adaptive policies and programs, regulations, and funding approaches.” On-site pharmacies are a practical solution to provide better care to seniors. Below we will talk about why it is important to have an on-site pharmacy at senior care homes: Specialized care On-site pharmacies in senior care homes can specialize in geriatric care. All the medications, products and services can be catered specifically to seniors and their unique health care requirements. Regular interactions with the pharmacist allow them to get to know you and your medical history in greater detail. Seniors can develop personal and trusting relationships with their pharmacist. This allows you to get the best care possible. Fast access to prescriptions Having a pharmacy on-site provides you with much quicker access to prescriptions. You can fill and renew your medication with ease. You can drop off your prescription or call it in and come back later that is convenient to you. Any if you run out, you will have peace of mind in knowing the pharmacy is just down the hall. Shots and vaccinations The pharmacy will be able to offer on-site vaccination clinics for all your required shots. You can get your annual flu shot, shingles shots, COVID vaccines and have quick assess to COVID testing. This ensures you will get these doses on time. Medical advice Have a question about your medication? Have you developed a minor ailment and you are not sure what to take? You can speak with your pharmacist to get some advice from a professional. Get your questions answered quickly. Mobility A large number of residents who live in senior care homes have mobility issues. They use canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters. Having a pharmacy onsite is ideal for these individuals. They don’t have to worry about leaving the facility to get medication. This is particularly important when the weather is poor. You don’t need to worry about making travel arrangements.