Transitional Care vs. Independent Living – What’s the Difference?

Female nurse taking care of senior holding a mug

There are many diverse types of healthcare facilities in Canada. Some are short-term while others are for long-term care. But it can be somewhat confusing what you can expect from different facilities. While there will be some overlap in the type of care offered, there are also stark differences. Two of the most common are transitional care facilities and independent living facilities. Below we talk about the differences between these two types of care facilities: What Is Transitional Care? Transitional care is exactly as it sounds. They are facilities that are intended for patients to stay for a shorter period of time. They provide patients support before they move back to their homes or a community living centre. Usually, people go to transitional care facilities once they no longer require acute care at the hospital but are not quite ready to return home. Generally, they need some additional assistance or rehabilitation before they are ready to live independently.  Some of the reasons people may enter transitional care include: Most people stay in transitional care for a shorter period of time. This can be anywhere from a few days to weeks or even a few months. It is not usually more than 90 days. Your length of stay will depend on your medical requirements. What Is Independent Living? Independent living communities are intended for healthy individuals, usually seniors, who do not require around-the-clock support from a nurse or caregiver. They can complete most daily tasks independently but may require some assistance from time to time. People often live in apartment complexes or condominiums. Sometimes these are referred to as retirement communities.  This is a more autonomous style of living compared to an assisted living facility. These are locations where there are onsite staff, nurses, and caregivers to assist individuals with their medical needs. Residents here typically have pre-existing medical conditions and require regular assistance. Whereas independent living communities are more community-focused locations designed to help seniors socialize and improve their overall quality of life. Pharmacy Care and Services for Transitional Care and Independent Living Regardless of where you are located, your need for pharmaceutical care will remain. Whether you need to fill normal prescriptions or require more detailed and attentive medication services, you need to find a pharmacy that can help you regardless of your health and medical needs.  At Silver Fox Pharmacy, we provide services for both transitional & independent living facilities. We offer customized services for all our customers to ensure you receive your prescriptions and medication in the format you need when you need it.